Ancestors of the below Limjoco’s. Raymundo Limjoco & Leonicia Masikat Quison: Their children were |
This is Filipiniana!
Save your old photos. Better still, send me scans of your old archives before they are lost forever! |
Toribia April 5, 1848
Adriana March 8, 1850
Hilarion-1854 + Florentina Silvestre- Galicanos line
Santiago April 30, 1852+Hospicia Magsaysay Triviño
Donata- April 1, 1869+Roberto Apacible
Doroteo-February 4, 1872 + Magdalina Lamano,1872=8 children
Lucas Limjoco-October 17, 1874+Silvestra Fuentes
Maria- May 9,1877 +Felipe Ramos
Teodora-November 6, 1879 + Nacisco Lejano
Tombstone of my great grandfather Santiago Quison Limjoco - Born 1852- died 1903, at the age of 53 having sired 3 separate branches of this family. Buried in Lian, Batangas
(Santiago also sired the Pampanga line of Balbino Limjoco- please see Pampanga Limjoco Page) or virtual cemetery for the family thread. |
Photo of Lola Hospicia Magsaysay Trivinio Limjoco sent via email by Rosendo Limjoco, son of Conrado Limjoco |
The brothers Limjoco below sprang from:
Santiago Quison Limjoco & Hospicia Magsaysay Trivinio. |
Candelaria+Mena Lama- no children
Gregorio + Felicidad Arguelles Limjoco = 12 children (my grandparents)
Cayo Limjoco+Anastacia Tinchuangco(after her death)+ Crisanta Tinchuangco
Leandro “Andoy” + Bernabela Aquino + 10 children
Bonifacio+ Viginia Inumerable = 6 children
Rosario+Gregorio Zorsoza (not sure about spelling)
Conrado+Filomena Perea = 3 children
Casimira + Vicente Arcega Sr.
Angel Sr,+Felisa Lejano
Delfin + ? b. December 23, 1870 |
Run your mouse over the chests of the brothers and their names will show up. PC only not MAC. Clicking on each name will take you to their page if they have one. |
Finally one of their sisters has emerged- Candelaria “Tia Canding”Limjoco |
Photo of Conrado Trivinio Limjoco sent in by Rosendo Limjoco, his son |
“In the photo are L to R Front: Galicano 1st cousin, son of Hilarion Limjoco; Cayo, and Gregorio ; Rear: Leandro, Angel, and Bonifacio. Galicano was a first cousin, son of Hilarion and brother to Santiago, while the rest are siblings and offspring of Santiago Quison Limjoco.” Not in the picture is the youngest of the brothers, Conrado,I have inserted to the right a photo of Conrado, but unfortunately we have no photos of the female siblings. Supplied by Tito Ben Limjoco, son of Angel Trivnio Limjoco Sr.